Modern architecture for a CRUD-Application in Django without an SPA-Frontend

Django is an opinionated framework. It recommends a structure for how to build the application and as a developer you should follow. However, from a frontend perspective it is very traditional with the strict differentiation of views, templates and styles – in contrast to SPA-technologies like Angular2+, React or Vue which uses a component-approach.

If you have a more or less pure CRUD-application, it can make sense to rely on Django completely instead of programming an SPA-Frontend. Django provides a lot of features out of the box in a good structured manner. BUT the strict separation most often lead to complex views and templates after some time with a lot of violations of the Single Responsibility Principle, although at the beginning everything seems fine.

In this article, I will show an alternative Django-structure on how to implement a component-approach.

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Architecture, Paradigmas, Design Patterns, Principles, Clean Code

  • Architecture: description of system (structure, relationships, collaboration)
  • Programming Paradigmas: imperative, functional, object-oriented
  • Design Pattern: usually parts of the systems; generic solution design for a problem; an architecture uses many design patterns
  • Programming Principles: SOLID, Law of Demeter, etc.; generic best practices
  • Clean Code: lowest level, actual source code; e.g. code formatting, lines per functions;

Dependency Inversion, Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI)

The three keywords from the title Dependency Inversion, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection are fundamental to be understood by any developer. In this article we will take a close look into them – there are NOT the SAME. At the end, I collected a list of articles recommendations.

Continue reading “Dependency Inversion, Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI)”