Custom deployment of Angular applications within your Continuous Delivery

Angular provides already a ng build command as well as an option for production environment. But how can this be transfered to your existing continuous delivery infrastructure. Imaging you have got a Bamboo or Jenkins responsible for building and deploying your software application.

Continue reading “Custom deployment of Angular applications within your Continuous Delivery”

How to setup a new Angular application and use Material Design

In fact it’s quite easy to setup a new Angular application. You just have to use the angular-cli and all the work is done for you. The best part of it: it follows all the recommended best practices from the Angular team. And you should not under-estimated this: you get a fully functioning application with working build tools, also already for production mode and test infrastructure. Automatically created! Only a few commands are needed to be typed in your terminal of choice.

In this article I summarized the necessary steps for a simple angular-application using material design.  Continue reading “How to setup a new Angular application and use Material Design”